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Bivariate Analysis - Categorical & Numerical

Line Chart with Error Bars

A line chart with error bars displays information as a series of data points connected by straight line segments. Each data point is average of the numerical data for the corresponding category of the categorical variable with error bar showing standard error. It is a way to summarize how pieces of information are related and how they vary depending on one another (iris_linechart.xlsx). 


Combination Chart

A combination chart uses two or more chart types to emphasize that the chart contains different kinds of information. Here, we use a bar chart to show the distribution of a binned numerical variable and a line chart to show the percentage of the selected category from the categorical variable. The combination chart is the best visualization method to demonstrate the predictability power of a predictor (X-axis) against a target (Y-axis).


Z-test and t-test

Z-test and t-test are basically the same. They assess whether the averages of two groups are statistically different from each other. This analysis is appropriate for comparing the averages of a numerical variable for two categories of a categorical variable. 

If the probability of Z is small, the difference between two averages is more significant.


When the n1 or n2 is less than 30 we use the t-test instead of the Z-test.

Is there a significant difference between the means (averages) of the numerical variable (Temperature) in two different categories of the categorical variable (O-Ring Failure)?


O-Ring Failure    Temperature


53 56 57 70 70 70 75


63 66 67 67 67 68 69 70 72 73 75 76 76 78 79 80 81


O-Ring Failure

Temperature Y N
Count 7 17
Mean 64.43 72.18
Variance 76.95 30.78
t -2.62  
df 22  
Probability 0.0156  
The low probability (0.0156) means that the difference between the average temperature for failed O-Ring and the average temperature for intact O-Ring is significant.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

The ANOVA test assesses whether the averages of more than two groups are statistically different from each other. This analysis is appropriate for comparing the averages of a numerical variable for more than two categories of a categorical variable.


Is there a significant difference between the averages of the numerical variable (Humidity) in the three categories of the categorical variable (Outlook)?


Outlook Humidity
overcast 86 65 90 75
rainy 96 80 70 80 91
sunny 85 90 95 70 70
Outlook Count Mean Variance
overcast 4 79.0 127.3
rainy 5 83.4 104.8
sunny 5 82.0 132.5
Source of Variation

Sum of Squares

Degree of freedom

Mean Square

F Value


Between Groups 44.0 2 22.0 0.182 0.836
Within Groups 1331.2 11 121.0    
Total 1375.2 13      
There is no significant difference between the averages of Humidity in the three categories of Outlook.